Is it really possible to make money online for example with online trading?

Is it really possible to make money online for example with online trading well that’s a loaded question it is possible to make money on the internet it is possible to make money from online trading now I wouldn’t really recommend online trading I have done a lot of trading in the past I’ve run Financial websites in the past I’ve actually gotten quite a bit of notoriety but I don’t really recommend trading as a way of making money for people I recommend buying and holding using an index fund which just matches the market so you’ll be like an index fund that would match the S&P 500 and that’s what I recommend the average person does not face it everyone watching this is going to be the average investor you’re not going to be spending 40 plus hours a week researching stocks and figuring out which ones to pick an even if you were not so you’re not going to beat the market and most professional advisers who run hedge funds mutual funds and things like that do not beat the market so why even try to go out there put your money into an index fund that is what I recommend for almost everyone to do that’s what I do so my girlfriend does I suggest that’s what people stick with if they want to be invested in the stock market at now if you want to pick some individual companies and put some money into a few those that you really are passion about sure why not have some fun with it as long as it’s money that you can afford to lose but I don’t think people should go in there with that mentality of I’m going to be a day trader make millions of dollars and you have all this money that I put into the stock market and it’s just going to make all sorts of money all day long it’s a lot easier for you to create an online business where you sell something or you have some sort of website that’s really popular and you make money off advertising versus making money day trading so that’s what I would stick with I would focus on creating some sort of business either freelancing or something where you sell product or service or something where you focus on getting advertising revenue and see where that takes you cuz it’s going to be a lot easier for you to have success with that versus doing day trading

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