Native advertising on LinkedIn

Online marketing is not only confined to placing banner ads throughout the relevant web pages. For whatever reason, people were not clicking on the banner ads even if they have to purchase the product. This further emphasized the need to create new ways to reach target audiences.  This is how Native ads began.

 Eye opening facts:

  • Compared to banner ads, native ads have a 53% higher view rate.
  • Almost 1 in 3 customers would show a native ad to a friend or family member.
  • More than 70% of companies did not hear complaints about featuring native ads.
  • Featuring rich media in native ads can translate into 60% conversion rates.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a form of advertising that seeks to attract customers by providing them content within the context of their experience. It can be seen as new for promoters to engage target audiences, and is the great source of revenue generation for publishers and media agencies.

In simple words, native advertising consists of brand messages which are placed in such a way that people see them as the part of the regular content they are consuming. Instead of disrupting the viewer’s experience on a platform, native ad placements blend into and can even enhance the platform’s organic content. It carries useful information that brands want to communicate, but it is delivered in an unusual manner.

Benefits of Native Advertising

Native advertising has the following benefits.

  • Grabs consumer attention:

Native advertising offers higher brand visibility. If your company is using native advertising for sharing content, then you’d be seeing higher user engagement compared to any other form of advertising.

  • Shareable:

Since it can be disguised in the form of valuable content, consumers are more likely to share it among friends and followers through email, amplifying brand content, and offers.

  • Build relationships:

Better sharing options and higher engagement provides opportunities for brands to build better relationships with consumers through interaction. When businesses link their native ads with media outlets and its target audiences, they improve the chances of their content getting shared.

Steps for creative native advertising that works

Marketers looking to leverage native advertising can use these nine steps to create native advertising that works.

  • Set your goals
  • Select an appropriate message for your target audience
  • Opt for the most suitable platform and native ad format
  • Create your Ads and content
  • Post organic content to gain followers
  • Invest in the best
  • Measure your advertising efforts
  • Take the time to optimize your ad elements
  • Boost your conversions through retargeting

What makes it effective?

Traditional advertising is effective, but only for the people who are willing to be interrupted. Native advertising doesn’t demand user attention. It earns attention without interrupting them. It can be termed as disguised advertising. Banner ads usually get lesser attention compared to native ads.

When people stop during a story and read it, the ad’s effectiveness increases in terms of engagement rates, brand lift, purchase intent, and overall cognitive activity. Native ads receive higher user attention compared to traditional banner ads.


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