Anthony Aires – What I did to go from ZERO to $1,00,914.71 in 20 months without doing a product launch

Entrepreneur for 22 years

Internet marketing 15 years

SEO for 13 years

Video expert 7 years

Built and sold several companies and brands

Dedicated to empowering like minded entrepreneurs

Filed for bankruptcy in 2007

What you can believe you can achieve

Your belief is your yeast if you don’t have belief you can’t rise

4 simple steps

  1. Create or find a hot offer
  2. Write a webinar script for your hot offer
  3. List your webinar offer on an instant commission platform
  4. Backend webinar offer on jvzoo product launches

You don’t have a traffic problem you have an offer problem

Find offer that never blew up and reposition them or create your own

Find a JV broker

4 step copywriting

Here’s who I am

Here’s what I got

Here’s what it’ll do for you

Here’s what to do next

There’s a million ways to make a million bucks

Pick one business model, accept the challenges, find your why and get to work

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