Principles for a Successful Viral marketing campaign

viralmarketing2Viral marketing has gained tremendous popularity over the global network, and many big brands are using this as a marketing strategy to earn benefits.

If you want to start a new viral marketing campaign for your business, you must consider the below mentioned elements of a viral marketing strategy.

Give away valuable products and services

The most effective word in a marketer’s dictionary is “free”. Most viral marketing campaigns offers valuable products and services for free to attract people’s attention. Having cheap and inexpensive products may generate a wave of interest, but “free” will give you much faster results.

Offering products for free may not earn a profit today or tomorrow, but once your business generates a wave of interest and develops a customer base by giving something for free, it will generate huge profit, soon.

Easy transfer to others

Viruses only spreads when they are easy to transmit. Your marketing package must be easy to share for everyone. The medium you used to transmit your marketing message to other peoples must be easy to transfer. Viral marketing works effectively on the internet because of the ease of communication that the technology provides.

Email, website, graphic and software downloads are just some examples that can be used in a viral marketing campaign. It is good to keep your marketing message short for easy copying and transmission.

Scalability from small to very large

The transmission medium you use for your viral marketing campaign must be rapidly scalable to suit both small and large marketing campaigns. It means you should have resources available if the campaign moves from small to large in a short period of time. This ensures that you have more variety and more options for spreading your marketing message to people.

Utilize existing communication networks

According to social scientists, an average person has a network of 8 to 12 people in their close network of friends, family and colleagues. People on the internet develop chains of relationships, too. Learn to use existing communication methods like text messages, internet videos, emails, and websites in viral marketing to yield better results.

Take advantage of other’s resources

Most viral marketing plans use other’s resources for spreading a marketing message. For example, affiliate programs use other websites for placing your blogs, texts or graphic links. Someone else’s resources are consumed rather than your own.

Media Scalability

Choose the right media for your message to go viral instantly on different platforms. Your media must be scalable, so that you can easily transmit your message to big, as well as small companies with a single click, and get the biggest benefit from targeting the masses.

As a final note, it is good to learn these basic elements and principles of viral marketing before actually starting it.


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