How to Expand Your Ideas of Leadership

Leadership or supervision of delegated duties requires great personalities and systematic techniques.  There are many ideas and concepts regarding leadership and how to become a good leader.  You can read them from books, inspiring biographies of successful leaders, and remarkable teachings and notions of great leaders around the world.  Yet we still fail to distinguish from those reading materials the important ideas about leadership.  The following are a short list of ideas leadership.

1. Leaders are categorized in various natures.

Every leader has their own individual nature of leaderships and responsibilities.  Some are formal leaders in the field of political government such as the president, senators, congressmen, and the higher and lower officials.  Some are informal leaders in a distinctive groups or assembly such as the administrators, directors, or elders of some groups, while some are leaders in a specific field such as Albert Einstein in the field of Theoretical Physics and Leonardo da Vinci in the field of the Arts.  All of them are leaders in their own fields with different leadership styles.

Lewin’s three basic leadership styles – authoritative, participative, and delegative

Likert’s four leadership styles – exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative, and participative

Goleman’s six emotional leadership styles – visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding.

2. Leadership is continuous learning process.

Most of us are born with innate distinctive and specific qualities of a great leader.  All we have to do is to develop our natural abilities to be able to apply our skills in handling and managing different aspects of responsibilities.  We can expand our natural gifts of leading by enrolling in leadership seminars, workshops, and conferences, by gathering knowledge from reading materials and other significant histories of leadership, or by learning from our daily experiences and interactions with other people, fellow leaders, and subordinates. Learning from various methods of practices will increase your knowledge on leadership attitudes, leadership insights, and leadership techniques.  Continuous learning and frequent study of updates about related ideas will further enhance your skills as a great leader.

3. Leadership starts with you.

Application of good leadership should be seen first in you.  The way you lead yourself, the way you speak, the way you perform your own duties are proofs that you can handle and lead others as well.  Your credibility is always in the attention of the public.  Learn by heart that your actions and your personal habit and behavior shows how good you are in managing and leading other people to the fulfillment of your objectives.  Steven Covey’s book entitled 7 Habits of Highly Effective People provides good insights on how you can achieve personal leadership.

4. Leadership should be passed on to others.

Leadership is not just about you doing all the tasks.  You have to make the team work together as a group under your leadership.  Proper delegation of duties and responsibilities will make your leadership succeed.  Working together as a group with different distinct functions encourages your team to fulfill your goals.  Clear instructions will lead to precise actions.  Trust between each members will strengthen working relationship and therefore builds an effective leadership.

5. Leadership techniques rely on different circumstances.

The manner of leadership may vary at times according to unexpected situations.  A simple rule would not be applicable in some cases where leadership needs an immediate twist.  One example of this is the sudden change in the peace and order in a nation.  In cases like these, the leaders would apply different tactics that would best handle and solve immediate needs of the people and formulate a decision to resolve the problem.  Another example of change in methods of leadership is in unique cases where the team members are highly proficient.  Delegative and moderate participative style of leadership is most appropriate in such cases. In some cases wherein team members are inexperienced and in need of additional knowledge, a combination of high coaching, high supporting, and high directing behavior from leader is required.

These are the concepts and ideas of leadership that we always thought we already know yet we failed to realize that these are the most useful theories we can utilize to make our leadership intense and commendable.


  • Asher

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hi Reed,

    Great post about leadership. Something that I love about leadership is that leaders aren’t born… they’re made.

    So everyone can be a leader if they choose to be!

    Continuous education is the key to becoming a great leader 🙂


    Ashers last blog post..3 Steps To Make Money Online With Success University

  • Nayanika

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hey Reed

    It is super stuff and splendid as usual.
    The moot point in being a leader is to be centered within with internal governance. Once achieved since all it takes is 15min over a day done in 5 min three times, this should not be difficult. Once in this state be proactive and take the first step towards showing the steps to being a leader. The rest is done for you.

    Yes we are talking about you and how easy it is to bring out the leader…you do what Reed has outlined and be proactive with inner governance and there are no falterings.

    God speed you to your destination
    A Happy 2009 to all of you and you my dear Reed
    Thanks for making me a part of this and many other forums Reed
    God bless

  • Mohamed Akram

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hello Reed..

    Great topic as I really know the true meaning of leadership as it can be the success or the failure of an entire business!

  • Timothy Millar

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hey Reed, Great article, I believe Leadership is something you are born with in your blood, I am a vertically challenged individual at 5’5, 135 lbs and I have been a Leader of Men all my Life
    from Wendy’s to Domino’s and from Boy Scouts to the Army. It’s not the size of the Man that makes him a leader, It’s the Mindset and the
    Intestinal Fortitude along with a boat-load of Pride and Self-esteem. In my years of Leadership
    Delegation of duties seems to be the best method of control over the situation, Make them a part of the solution and not the problem, Getting them involved gives them a sense of responsibility and makes them feel as important as they really are. Have a Wonderful Day, Timothy Millar “The Leprechaun”

    Timothy Millars last blog post..JacobMails Updated, Paid to Read?

  • Nickolove Lovemore

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hi Reed,

    Great post on leadership. I believe it’s important to remember that before you can lead anyone you first have to be able to lead yourself. For instance, you need to be an independent thinker.

    Too many people are swayed by what others think. As an example, take the current economic downturn. This has been exacerbated by people being lead by the media which has done an excellent job of highlighting the negative aspects of the current recession.

    However, if more people took control of how they fed their minds they would be better placed to lead themselves out of a negative situation as opposed to being drawn deeper into it.

    Best wishes for 2009!


  • Gary Keating

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    “With leadership comes great responsibility”.
    How you handle this is determined on your mindset and willingness to act on decisions good or bad.
    Leaders are confident in their decisions.
    They will not dwell on there decision too long and are happy with their suggestions.
    If you are born a leader great but if not you can discipline your self to become one.

    This is the “I Can Do This attitude”.
    Gary Keating

  • Saundra Jackson

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Great post Reed. I believe a good leader must be a great follower.

    If you can’t follow there is no way you can lead. In my opinion, as you follow, you lead others to where you have been.

    As someone said “It is now time to shine in 2009”


  • jim

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hi Reed

    Inspiring post.

    Our world and communities are looking for great leaders. People with vision.

    Born to be…or learnt? That is the question.


  • Sofie McCredie

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Excellent article ! My take on leadership is guiding subordinates as opposed to dictating them what to do and not to do things.

  • curt

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Leadership can be accomplished in many ways. Too many people think leader is same as boss. Bosses tell people what to do.
    Leaders show, motivate, and pull people along.
    A learned behavior.
    Not everyone can be a leader, or at not everyone can think they are the leader.
    Not all the time.
    Even leaders need to follow.
    Curt Ficenec, DC

  • Dave McIntosh

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hi Reed

    Yes leadership always starts with yourself. It is also a continuous process. I really like your articles.
    You certainly have a lot of good stuff to share.

    Dave McIntoshs last blog post..Installing Ceramic Wall Tile in your Bathroom

  • Peter

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hey Reed,
    I hope you get some positive comments on this article of ???. You just pencilled some thoughts what a leadership should be and took some ideas who could be named as leader but failed to name one. Einstein was never a leader despite the fact that he had INFLUENCED the theory of modern Physics, you forget to name Isaac Newton without him no Einstein but was he a leader ? Da Vincy was never a leader he was a genius in several spheres he was an architekt, painter, constructor but all his ideas are never realised he did not even influence the art of painting. Leadership of a person can never submitted to an other single one. This is no politics or a voting, leadership is a born attitude of a person. I know only three who are to be named. It is:
    1. Mohammed He is the only human being in history who in secular and as well in ecclesiastic succeeded and lead one of the religions of the world.
    2. Alexander the great 356/323 BC the spreading of the hellenistic culture which included orientalic elements become a culture of the world which influenced the occident until the Middle Ages in Europe.
    3. Michail Gorbatschow hís politics and ruling finished the communistic idea in Russia and over Europe.
    These 3 I think are leaders. What your text sais is nothing else to describe how to bring your thinking into one direction to rule others.

  • Ron Passaro

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Very nice Reed.

    Part 4 of the post is my favorite… to be clear about the objective, delegate tasks and promote teamwork within your group. Good stuff.

    While I think pretty much anyone can learn to be a better leader, I do believe that there are those that were just born to lead. It’s as if they know by instinct what others have to learn through experience.

  • Johan Vermeulen

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    The thinking mind is most supreme-The taught mind no more than machine.

    I truly believe that the leaders of today are those who start having a new mindset.Leaders are not necessarily born,but truly men of great vision.We all should consider in which way all of us could lead in any given situation.

    Each of us have a valuable contribution to make to this wonderful world we live in.

    The most important quality needed is true guts.There are just to many that go with the flow.Leaders are those that direct the flow.

    Thanks for the opportunity to post a comment.


    Reply Reply December 30, 2008


    Also know that the first rule of Leadership is followship. In order to be a good leader one must be a good follower. They also must be committed to developing the Leader around them through many of the avenues you mentioned, teaching, coaching, mentoring, delegating, etc.
    As leaders we must be concerned about Leadership. As one of my mentors state ” A good Leader is not concerned about who’s following him but who he is following”


    PS. Remember to always resolve2 accomplish your goals and dreams. Lets have “A great and prosperous time in 2009”

  • Marney Lewis

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Wonderful and inspiring post, Reed. Leaders are visionaries; their inspiring and selfless. I always enjoy your posts.

  • Wolf Halton

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    In the art of Leadership

    It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
    There has been a lot of pop-business philosophy in the last few years that make it sound like every manager must also be a visionary leader. The best managers make great executive officers but are not effective leaders. The best, most visionary, leaders are often not good administrators. It is difficult to maintain focus upon the details and the panoramic big picture at the same time.

    Wolf Haltons last blog post..Rhythm Entrainment

  • normz2

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Good Stuff. Not everyone is cut out for leadership. Many abilities can be acquired or learned. The best is leading by example.

  • PV Reymond

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Hi Reed,

    Leadership is something really important, I have studied a lot this topic and I want to share with you how Charles Henry defines a Leader…

    “A Leader is one who goes before, who keeps in advance of the crowd without detaching himself from the crowd, but so influencing them as to attach them to his ideal selfhood.

    Obviously and of necessity he is a social personage who has the power of enabling other people to see what he sees, to feel what he feels, to desire what he desires. He contracts the crowd into the span of his own personality. He converts them into a composite second self…”

    ^PV Reymond

    PV Reymonds last blog post..Great Motivational Phrases

  • Kaj R. Nilsen

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    I agree with Mr. Halton, it seems to be difficult to both have detail focus ability, as well as the big picture capability. These go hand in hand, and in fact constitute two of the four rivers of thought. The other two rivers are past and future. Staying in the middle, present and dynamically centered with your area of consciousness gravity there, is an art of not only thinking, but of being.

    But we are human beings, made from spirit and dust, we are living examples of unity in duality, and all these things we know on an intuitive level. Only problem is that we get carried away by all the distractions and dysfunctional thinking patterns hitting us through life and social modelling. The best time management ever is forgiving and letting the past be truly passed, looking with hope to the future.

    Surely, we need inventive and creative leaders, being able to think, act and live in harmony with natural patterns of consciousness. The details of these patterns, however, have not been exposed until now. That is, when I get my book finished. How we need this knowledge! I only pray that it will be used wisely…..

    Kaj R. Nilsens last blog post..XanGo-møte i Skien!

  • Pat Gunning

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Leadership starts with belief in yourself. A quiet confidence not to be confused with arrogance but a certainty of ones self and ones decisions.

    All leaders are good followers as well, it is a syncretic relationship. Great post Reed!

  • Shawn Horwood

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    I especially agree with 4. Leadership should be passed on to others.
    If leaders do not teach others to become leaders, then very quickly the world will become short on leaders and we will have a bunch of followers with no leaders. Almost everyone has leadership abilities, and we need to cultivate those abilities and create more leaders.
    Shawn Horwood

  • Courtney

    Reply Reply December 30, 2008

    Great, Insightful post as usual.
    Leadership starts from within and is reflected in the way you handle & Lead yourself in thought and deed, it is encompassed by a willingness to see the “Bigger Picture” and serve others for the greatest good.

  • delords

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008

    Thanks Reed for the tips on leadership,
    I totally agree with all of them
    and more so a leader most be able to show directions where his members must follow,
    and also be able to be a worthy example his members can imitate and lastly must be able to provide motivation for his members and followers.

    delordss last blog post..Get Yanik Silver’s 14-Point Web Copy Analysis Free

  • Susan Bagyura

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008

    Hi Reed,

    This is such a great article and equally impressive are the responses your article elicited many of which I am in full agreement. I do believe that we are all leaders whether or not we realize it and take responsibility for it. We can be leading a family, a scout troop, an organization, etc. We can develop the talent and it all starts with self development. The more one understands about self, the more they understands about others.
    One basic premise is that a person must be able to give themselves an order and then follow it. Once they can lead themselves, then they can lead another individual, then a group and then an organization. The key is to hold oneself responsible and then many pieces start to fall into place.
    There is so much more to say which is why there are many great books and articles on the subject of leadership and your article should be added to that list.
    Many thanks,
    Susan Bagyura
    Author of The Visionary Leader: How To Inspire Success From The Top Down!&id=1775318

  • East4u

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008

    Hi Reed I salut your blog and many have written so good what is to say ? I think why and how could Adolf Hitler get such respond .? If you ask the woulds best leader “Jesus” he allso but only peoply we know with 110% they exist on Nr 1,Iam sorry But Adolf Hitler I have nothing i cheare with him But .He was an anormous speaker and leader 2.Ghandhi he is almost the oposit I was thinking has there newer been a good leader gandhi THANKS (i THINK HE WAS GOOD) tO BE A GOOD LEADER IT IS NOT ONLY ONE THING .i DONT KNOW BUT i HAVE PLAYED GUITAR IN A BAND WHEN YOU GET THAT FEELING PEOPLE ARE SHOUTING CLAP THEIR HANDS .i MUST SAY ITS THE BETTER THEN SEX bUT WHEN YOU DONT GET THE PEOPLE WITH YOU .ONCE SOMEONE EAT BARBECQU SPARE rIBBS AND THROW A RIB RIGHT IN MY FACE .THOSE TIMES YOU SAY NEWER NEWER AGAIN I GO UP ON STAGE.
    2008 and wellcooome 2009 from east the mighty beast

  • Geoff Dodd

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008

    Reed, interesting article on leadership sorts the sheep from the goats, from the tigers, etc. You have to work on it. Constant learning and I cannot claim any expertise to add, further to your fine article. So Happy New Year. We will all J.V. in 2009.

    Geoff Dodd

  • Geoff Dodd

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008

    Reed, is East4u into the celebrative spirit off da top shelf perchance? Happy Noo Year!


  • Sofie McCredie

    Reply Reply December 31, 2008


    Your excellent article on leadership has drawn in a lot of insights from others to learn from. Thank you so much. More power to you and more Blessings come your way & your family this coming New Year 2009.

    Have a Blessed One !!

  • Cheree

    Reply Reply January 1, 2009


    Awesome post, as always. I think one of the most difficult parts of leadership is delegation — actually letting go of the things that others can do. But, it’s so freeing when we are able to pull it off! One of the best books I have read recently on leadership is “Flight of the Buffalo”. I highly recommend it for people who are interested in learning more about participative leadership styles.

    Happy New Year!

    Cherees last blog post..WebProsperity — This Could be the Most Important 7 Minutes of Your Life!

  • Ari Lestariono

    Reply Reply January 3, 2009

    Leadership by all means is we became role model and everybody follow us and we onlt redirect their energy to our benefit to our community, goals, achievements or any other positive thoughts to a win – win solutions.

    Ari Lestarionos last blog post..New Year’s Resolution: Best Natural Foods for Longevity

  • Kerrie Mullins-Gunst

    Reply Reply January 7, 2009

    Some good ideas Reed. Thanks for sharing them.

    There are many skills a good leader has to master and numerous styles of being a leader. And most of all we know leaders by what they do.

    I wish you and all your readers great things for 2009.
    Kind regards, Kerrie

  • Visualisierung

    Reply Reply September 29, 2010

    Great post Reed. I believe a good leader must be a great follower.

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